
部分: 3.  IV. 公元600年
批准人:博士. Pamela Transue, 08/02/11


It is the policy of the 大学 to create and maintain a safe learning environment. 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场不会容忍针对任何成员的暴力行为 书院社区或任何在书院内的人士. 为了这个目的 policy, violent behavior includes any criminal behavior, either direct or indirect, that: threatens bodily harm, harasses or intimidates others, interferes with an individual’s legal rights of movement or expression, or disrupts the 工作场所, academic environment 或学院为公众提供服务的能力.


To maintain an environment that is free from all acts or threats of 暴力 perpetrated 受或反对雇员、学生或公众成员并提供安全保障 工作场所.


All employees, prospective employees, contractors, visitors, volunteers, students, and any persons engaged in 业务 relations with the 大学 including 成员 of 公众.



Tacoma Community 大学 employees are accountable for their own actions and their 自己对他人行为的反应.  澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的每位成员 staff is expected to avoid actions that begin or worsen events with a potential for 暴力.  每个工作人员也应该这样控制自己的行为 that his or her judgment is not impaired and so that tensions do not avoidably escalate.

Depending upon the level of threat presented, the vulnerability of the employee, the 他人在附近的脆弱性,可能性程度降低 the threat and the employee’s and others’ abilities to retreat, the employee either 是否可以采取与他或她所接受的大学培训相一致的行动来化解 the situation, or seek assistance from a Service Advisor, Security or Tacoma Police 部门.


主席或其指定人员应指派具体的工作人员 大厦安全主任在每个工作地点的职责.  Safety Officers will be trained to conduct site reviews and shall receive additional de-escalation 技术 training that will reduce the probability and severity, and 协助遏制暴力. 


工作生活和个人生活经常相互影响.  如果工作关系有威胁 暴力 either at work or away from work, Tacoma Community 大学 will offer assistance 使其雇员获得司法保护.  如果一段私人关系受到威胁 暴力 at the 工作场所, then Tacoma Community 大学 expects its employee to obtain 司法保护和告知学院的保密条款. (见工作场所 暴力过程)


This policy seeks to prevent and, when necessary, to direct employee responses to all events that threaten 暴力 on 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场 and to events off premises that threaten 暴力 in the course of employment with Tacoma Community 大学.  此策略识别某些工作分类(例如安全) 保单的哪些部分可能不适用.

包含潜在的暴力事件- SAFR 

  1. S安全-维护它. 


  1. A求助——打电话求助. 





  1. Follow方向.

Follow police, security, or service advisor directions as well as general training 安全指南.

  1. R报告-存档. 


*拨打校园电话拨打911可能会有轻微的延迟(3-5秒).  不要挂断电话.


Immediately following the incident, with the assistance of 校园安全 and Security, the victim(s) and the witnesses, if any, describe what they experienced and observed.

校园安全 and Security documents the situation, provides analysis, and recommends 跟进经理、主管和总裁的工作.

校园安全 and Security and the supervisor immediately refer affected employees, whether the employees are victim(s), bystanders(s), or perpetrator(s), to Employee 援助服务.

Following delivery of the 校园安全 and Security report, 校园安全 and Security conducts post-incident review with respect at least to the quality of the response 预防的经验教训.

校园安全 and Security and Professional Development Coordinator provide training 从事件中吸取的教训.



将提供预防工作场所暴力培训的基本原则 给澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的所有员工.


  • How to identify potential sources of 暴力 in the 工作场所 and how to recognize 有暴力倾向的人.
  • How to respond appropriately to a threat to Tacoma Community 大学 staff, students 或整个社区或财产.
  • How to prevent or avoid escalating 暴力 when dealing with staff, students or community 成员.
  • 如何减少或消除工作场所的安全隐患.
  • How to obtain medical care, counseling, workers’ compensation services from the Employee 暴力事件或伤害后的援助计划或法律援助.


  • 鼓励所有员工参加工作场所暴力培训及其他相关培训 由学院或主管提供的培训.
  • 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场鼓励所有员工每年至少参加一次进修课程.


All Administrators, Supervisors, Managers, Building Safety Officers and Security personnel will be offered additional training on 工作场所 暴力 issues and de-escalation 技术.

In addition to the training listed above, those whose duties require them to respond to potential 暴力 in the 工作场所, will be offered training to better prevent, 回应和跟进工作场所暴力问题.


工作需要通过电话或亲自与客户互动的员工 at Tacoma Community 大学 may attend additional training on effective communication 技术.


工作需要离开澳门威尼斯人在线赌场去 pick up supplies, or to attended either college sponsored or other events, may attend training on methods to prevent, avoid, or, if unavoidable, to respond to potentially 在战场上发生暴力事件.


  1. This policy and supporting training materials shall be available for all staff via 硬拷贝和/或电脑定期,个别审查.
  2. Tacoma Community 大学 will update its training program whenever circumstances or 政策和程序需要改变.
  3. Managers and team leaders are encouraged to review the Workplace 暴力 政策 and 在定期安排的员工会议期间定期进行程序.
  4. Any employee wanting to review the safety procedures may attend any session of the 经主管批准的工作场所暴力意识培训.


The Human 资源 department shall maintain records of training and ensure skill 评估和评价已纳入培训课程.


Employees who violate this policy may be subject to corrective action or discipline 直至并包括终止.  威胁、参与或恶化的员工 暴力也可能受到起诉.


RCW标题9                           犯罪和惩罚

WAC 132V-120-010学生权利和责任准则

WAC 296 - 800                        安全与健康的核心规则


暴力 - abusive speech, offensive physical contact, damage to property, and palpable threats 攻击性身体接触或财产损坏,包括破坏性行为 意图扰乱、干扰或阻止正常工作活动的.

的演讲 - speech that a reasonable recipient in the context in which it was heard would find 恐吓的:在表达或内容上具有威胁性的. 辱骂性言语可以是非语言的,比如挥手 手臂、拳头或威胁性的手势.

攻击性身体接触 - unwanted, forceful touching by one person of another that a reasonable recipient would find threatening, unwelcomed, or otherwise unreasonable in the context in which 它发生.

财产损失 – defined as damage to property belonging to or in the possession of Tacoma Community 大学, including staff, students, visitors and 成员 of 公众 while on the 书院校舍. 学院场地还包括校外地点,其中 正式办理学院事务.

澳门威尼斯人在线赌场 -包括澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的任何车辆、停车场或建筑物 a right to occupy wholly or in part including any location where the 大学 conducts 业务.